Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 6- Locked Gate and Sick Belly

Yesterday was hard.  There was a huge storm in the night.  It some how brought many little beetles into my room.  I want to inform the nice young man at REI that the net he sold me saying it had a special spray on it to keep bugs away really seamed to be like warm pie in a window sill for these beetles.  I woke up to lighting that lit of my room and showed me all the beetles.  I lost it!  I put on my hooded fleece and sneakers got some tissue paper and started the death march while crying.  Looking back it was really funny but at the moment not so funny.  The rain however did clear the smog.  At 5am I went on a hike to the base of the near by mountain.  I will never climb the mountain though because I was told I would need a large knife to kill snakes!  For lunch I made some amazing ramen noodles and then spent the rest of the day working on some art.  I want to organize a square dance in the village.  The villagers do not like the artist.  Being an artist in China is very different.  I was doing some square dance research when I thought I saw everyone leaving for dinner. So I ran out to join them.  My friend Mr. Mao said to go home but I did not want to get left out.  When I reached the bottom of the hill I saw why he said go home.  The villagers had locked the gate. Will not say more other then wow, so that I can keep my blog.

After all the excitement Emily and I ate dinner with Mr. Mao but I started to feel sick. The night did not end well.  There is always a chance here the whatever enters my mouth with not turn out well.  I was not so lucky last night.  I was supposed to go into Beijing today but I am to weak and tried.  Hopefully tomorrow. 

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